All About Us

@all_About_Birds (Doug knowles)

@all_About_Birds (Doug knowles)

Thanks for Stopping by today. Birds are my passion and love in my life. I have been a captive breeder for many years and mostly worked with parrots and cockatoos. I have had experience with finches to toucans and love to share. This web site started as a Facebook page in January of 2014 and is growing rapidly. Centralized from this website we add a new post a minimum of 8 times a day, 7 days a week. Our posts are simultaneously shared on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ for your enjoyment and discovery, via social media. I keep track of many aspects of the international bird world both wild and captive and will also share new and interesting, related information, when I find it.

I have been unemployed for just over a year and am trying to find ways that add value to the world and humanity. But, I also need to meet my financial needs, for my family and my Zoo. Please If I am adding value to your day or your life, consider donating today. We depend on your love of birds and support to be able to provide this service.

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